Jewelry Repair and Services
We offer complete jewelry repair and service. We offer a variety of highly-rated repair services that will help your jewelry shine like new. If you have a jewelry repair need, we have the solution.
Jewelry Repair with Noah Gabriel & Co. Jewelers is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3

Upon your request for jewelry repair service, a skilled and knowledgeable associate will fully inspect and advise you prior to commencing any repairs free of charge.

After our suggestion, it is your decision to proceed with any of the recommended repairs or services. A second inspection will then be completed by one of our jewelers before any work is completed. They verify the work to be done and may make additional suggestions.

Upon completion, your jewelry repair is inspected by our quality control team to confirm that the work has been completed to the highest level. Most repairs are completed within one week. All repair and services are guaranteed for one year.
Why Noah Gabriel & Co. Jewelers?
Our talented and experienced goldsmiths, jewelers and pearl stringers offer over 125 years of combined jewelry repair experience. Noah Gabriel & Co. Jewelers understands that you love your jewelry and want to wear it as much as possible. However, as we wear our beloved jewelry, there is an equal amount of risk for damage such as dents, nicks, scratches, breaks, bends and fading. We want you to be able to love your favorite pieces without having to worry about them losing their sparkle. We specialize in jewelry repair of silver, gold and platinum. Our team of talented jewelers and master goldsmiths put special attention in to making sure that your jewelry is handled and repaired with the utmost care and respect. Even if the piece wasn’t purchased from our store, we take extreme caution and attention to return it to its natural beauty. We pride ourselves on completing your repair or service as quickly as possible.